
RIGS SciFi 1.07 – Biological Glass

“Like many in the colony, I have a love-hate relationship with B-Glass. Yeah, the stuff is easy to work with, but ya got to grow the material first. Yeah, it’s reliable when compared to other glass, but I swear the living..sorry active…bio-glass uses up more nutrients per day than 3 citizens…per pane! The nutrients also make sure there is a rather odd smell about the stuff that you can never really ignore. It’s there…all the time. Sure you kinda get used to it, but then one day, wham, the smell comes back. Plus it costs so damn much. I am starting to wonder why they only use it on Beta Colony and not the rest of the domes….”

Activation: When grown/manufactured and cut into the desired shape
Complexity: 1%
Condition: Indeterminate
Control method: Grow, cut, and place


Biological glass, sometimes referred to as Bio-Glass or even B-Glass, is a clear hard material that is made from transparent organic materials. It is manufactured/extracted/grown from a device that is part machine, part plant, and part animal. When compared to standard glass it is much clearer and in many tests is at least 20x stronger and more resilient. It can b used in panels from an inch each side to 10 feet. Sizes beyond that range are too costly to make.

Abilities and Features

Bio-glass exists in two states often referred to as living/active and dead/inactive. Living bio-glass can regenerate from almost all damage it receives. It can filter out harsh UV lights adjust itself to various lighting conditions, although this does take time, with the larger panels taking much longer. Dead/Inactive bioglass cannot adapt itself to various environments and can only auto-repair minor scratches and damage. Living Bio-Glass can also be moved and bent easily, and Dead Bio-glass is harder to damage in the first place.


The first major downside is the cost. It costs a LOT of energy to grow Bio-Glass and can only be done in specific sterile conditions – This costs increases exponentially as the size increases. The second is that, for it to be classed as “living” B-Glass it needs to be fed a constant source of nutrients along one edge of the glass. This can be quite pungent as it is a mixture of organic and artificial chemicals. The third downside, not publicised by the company that makes the B-Glass, is that anything that can affect biological entities can also affect the glass. This includes diseases and sometimes even decomposition.

R.I.G.S. Results (Fantasy) Volume 4, available here
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