Yearly Event: Ambassador is sent to another land (Nuwmont 3rd)

Ambassador remains 23 months. His arrival is always a major event for those at the court (ceremonies, banquets).

The ambassador comes from the Kingdom of Thothia (IOD).

Mission of the ambassador: To arrange a marriage.

Monthly Events

1- Haunting: It is rumored that some site in the region has recently been the center of strange supernatural events – often the site of a great battle, murder or accident. The DM decides if it is real or not. Hauntings may be simple affairs, or quite elaborate, with the spirit returning to complete some arduous task left unfulfilled or to right some wrong.
The haunting happens in the west of the country.

2- New trade route: Some other country or province wants the goods of the area, opening a new market. The country or province gains a 23 percent increase of its income for 10 month(s).

3- Resident Specialist: (Dominion) A new resident comes into the town to establish a business or to retire. It is a human cook named Calibras.

4- Maiden of Virtue: A young woman (or man) of exceptional grace, wit, and beauty has appeared in the region (Random Name: Ardaur). She is the daughter of a powerful noble.

She charms and impresses all who meet her. She has an exceptionally fine writing style that reveals her pure nature. She is skilled in the playing of musical instruments and other artistic accomplishments. She is properly respectful of her parents (ih she has any).
If the maiden is any but the daughter of a powerful noble, she can be courted (and posibly wed) without the full formalities. However, being aware (but no in vain) of her own qualities, she does not accept just any one. Her accepted suitor must possess exceptional qualities of his own. He must also be a model of virtue and likewise skilled in the arts. He must possess heroic qualities. To even attract her notice, he must produce some artistic item of quality (poem, painting, exceptional handwriting, etc). He must also have a CHA of at least 13. Maidens of mysterious origin or princesses may set impossible tasks as a condition for any successful suitor. The social rank of the character is not as important as the qualities mentioned above. The handling of the courtship, the degree of attention between the two, and the final result of any courtship are left to the DM.
The maiden of virtue will appear in the south-west of the country.

5- Notorious Criminal: A wanted villain (a commoner named Fordlaf) is rumored to be in the area. He may be a banished lord who has secretly returned, a traitor fleeing the wrath of the emperor, an escaped convict, a famous bandit, etc. There may be a reward posted for the capture or slaying of the criminal. His presence may only be a rumor, leading to nothing but a wild goose chase.

6- Market Shortage: There is not enough merchandise to sell in the area. All prices are raised by 50 percent for 2 month(s).
Tax Income: +30 percent for these months.

7- Notorious Criminal: A wanted villain (a ranger named Rammathas) is rumored to be in the area. He may be a banished lord who has secretly returned, a traitor fleeing the wrath of the emperor, an escaped convict, a famous bandit, etc. There may be a reward posted for the capture or slaying of the criminal. His presence may only be a rumor, leading to nothing but a wild goose chase.

8- Birth: Should any PC be married, he learns at this time that he is to have a child. The actual birth will occur in 8 months. If this does not apply, a local noble or government official has a child. There will be some feastings and celebrations. The child’s name will be Aulus Octavius Cicero.

9- Minor Fire: A large fire sweeps a city, town or village. Double (x2) the cost of building materials. Loss of life is minor. Minor fires are a useful tool for the DM when he wishes to make some change in the buildings or day-to-day affairs of an established place.
Percentage of the buildings destroyed:
City: 20 percent.
Town: 50 percent.
Village: 70 percent.
The minor fire happens in the north of the country.

10- Birth: Should any PC be married, he learns at this time that he is to have a child. The actual birth will occur in 8 months. If this does not apply, a local noble or government official has a child. There will be some feastings and celebrations. The child’s name will be Slodset.

11- Injustice: Wickedness has seized control of the local government and courts. Corrupt and greedy magistrates and court officials are jailing and punishing innocent people. This evil may occur because the magistrate has been bribed, wants to steal the property of the accused, has been tricked by others, is cruel, or is exacting official vengeance on rebels or traitors. Such injustice can be stopped if evidence can be brought to higher officials (assuming they are no corrupt) or the PCs decide to act as protectors to the innocent.
PCs: No effect.
If the PCs have a powerful enemy: No additional effect.

12- Haunting: It is rumored that some site in the region has recently been the center of strange supernatural events – often the site of a great battle, murder or accident. The DM decides if it is real or not. Hauntings may be simple affairs, or quite elaborate, with the spirit returning to complete some arduous task left unfulfilled or to right some wrong.
The haunting happens in the west of the country.

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