1. The Codex of Logrid
  2. Canyon of Horrors., by Mesutab Shibugra Augusta Williams of Menosira (Fiction)
  3. The Firlendish Charges, by Zawadi Wamocha of Hardin
  4. The Essays of the Ten Highwaymans, by Lord Bancel the Unstoppable and Ivar Thorolfsson Finehair the Red (Fiction)
  5. History of Dialectic
  6. Adventures of the Six Virgins, by Thaaru Edbaraz Stenka Soloveiovich (Fiction)
  7. Legends of the Conquest of Atruaghin by the Red Orcs 1257 BC, by Mogenina* Rigarschreich the mighty (F)
  8. Aryera of Whitecrystal’s Book of Artificing
  9. The Collection regarding Development of Fealty, by An Sa
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