- The Codex of Logrid
- Canyon of Horrors., by Mesutab Shibugra Augusta Williams of Menosira (Fiction)
- The Firlendish Charges, by Zawadi Wamocha of Hardin
- The Essays of the Ten Highwaymans, by Lord Bancel the Unstoppable and Ivar Thorolfsson Finehair the Red (Fiction)
- History of Dialectic
- Adventures of the Six Virgins, by Thaaru Edbaraz Stenka Soloveiovich (Fiction)
- Legends of the Conquest of Atruaghin by the Red Orcs 1257 BC, by Mogenina* Rigarschreich the mighty (F)
- Aryera of Whitecrystal’s Book of Artificing
- The Collection regarding Development of Fealty, by An Sa
- The Craft of the Nedeller