A slightly inebriated Soldier of Half Elven Heritage by the name of Phrelirtur is wagering that (a Random Player) will not be able to return alive.

The man is willing to lay 65 Gold Pieces against the terms of the bet at 2/1 Odds. There are 2 other takers at 25 GP, and 44 GP respectively, so the Total Buy-In for this particular Wager is 134 Gold Pieces. The Payoff for this Wager is 402 Gold Pieces if the Terms of the bet are met.


An obviously tipsy Minor Noble of Dwarven Heritage by the name of Malwug Changerlion has offered a bet that the Party will not be able to return alive.

The woman is willing to lay 68 Gold Pieces against the terms of the bet at 2/1 Odds. There are no Other takers so the Total Buy-In for this particular Wager is 68 Gold Pieces. The Payoff for this Wager is 204 Gold Pieces if the Terms of the bet are met.


An obviously sadistic Teenager of Gnomish Heritage by the name of Varkaer is betting that the Party will not be able to recover a marcella tapestry depicting a man made of (4,000 gp). within 8 hours. It had been seen in the Dungeon once before, and it just seemed like a good goal to bet on.

The man is willing to lay 57 Gold Pieces against the terms of the bet at 2/1 Odds. There are 5 other takers at 50 GP, 33 GP, 5 GP, 28 GP, and 45 GP respectively, so the Total Buy-In for this particular Wager is 218 Gold Pieces. The Payoff for this Wager is 654 Gold Pieces if the Terms of the bet are met.

The item was originally located on Level 1, in room #40. It is currently located on Level 1, in room #15.



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