Title: Champions to the Destruction Religions
Description: The book is a thick work, with covers of heavy wood. The stamped metal pages are unbound, but wrapped with a hemp cord.
Condition: Excellent
Value: 200 gold crowns.

Title: Celestial Ballads
Description: The book is average in size, with covers of leather. The parchment pages are unbound, but wrapped with a hemp cord. In addition, the cover has the image of a stag and a stallion fighting.
Condition: Average
Value: 300 gold crowns.

Title: Orcish-Auran Dictionary
Description: The book is a hefty tome, with covers of scales stretched over thin wood. The stamped metal pages are unbound, but wrapped with a hemp cord.
Condition: Excellent
Value: 250 gold crowns.

Title: Lost Rituals About Enchantment
Description: The book is average in size, with covers of deerhide. The stamped metal pages are loose.
Condition: Good
Value: 600 gold crowns.

Title: Powers Concerning Illusion
Description: The book is average in size, with covers of deerhide. The vellum pages are unbound, but wrapped with a leather cord.
Condition: Excellent
Value: 450 gold crowns.


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