Horse Generator:

Type: Light WarHorse
Color: Brown .
-Description: The coat is a mixture of black and brown hair.
Age: Mature (14 years) (5-20; no modifiers)
Size: 18.3 hands (6′ 1″ at shoulder)
Food Requirements: 36 lbs bulk food/day and concentrated food:
Inactive: 18 lbs/day. Active: 23 lbs/day. Water: 9 gallons/day.
Bulk Food: grass/hay, and fresh vegetables/fruits (apples, carrots, turnips). Concentrated Food: grains (oat, barley, corn, bran).

Unusual Characteristics:
-Robust (Endurance as Bonus feat).
Trick: War (armor, attack, down, stay).
Temperment: Stops unexpectedly (it isn’t exerting itself and takes random “breaks”. Each hour: light load 25 percent; medium load 50 percent; heavy load 90 percent. It delays 1d10 minutes, snorting angrily and adamantly refusing any attempts to get it to continue moiving).
Speed: 60 feet per round
Overland Travel: 48 miles per day
Armor Class: 13
Hit Points: 30 (Normal Average: 22)
Value: 166 gp (Normal: 150 gp)
Asking: 166 gp

Horses Age Categories: (modifiers to be added, not cumulative)
Foal (under 2): -4 Str / Con; -2 Dex / Wis / Cha.
Young Adult (2-4): -1 Str / Dex / Wis / Cha.
Mature (5-20): nothing.
Middle Age (21-30): -1 Str / Dex / Con; +1 Wis / Cha.
Old (31-40): -3 Str / Dex / Con; +2 Wis / Cha.
Venerable (41-50+): -6 Str / Dex / Con; +3 Wis / Cha.

Horse Generator:

Type: Pony
Color: White (gray).
-Description: This is a mixture mainly white hairs with some black hairs on a black skin.
Age: Mature (17 years) (5-20; no modifiers)
Size: 13.2 hands (4′ 4″ at shoulder)
Food Requirements: 18 lbs bulk food/day and concentrated food:
Inactive: 1 lbs/day. Active: 2 lbs/day. Water: 6.5 gallons/day.
Bulk Food: grass/hay, and fresh vegetables/fruits (apples, carrots, turnips). Concentrated Food: grains (oat, barley, corn, bran).

Unusual Characteristics: None
Trick: none.
Temperment: Fearless (+2 morale vs fear; loud noises, sudden movement, etc. rarely upset this animal).
Speed: 40 feet per round
Overland Travel: 32 miles per day
Armor Class: 13
Hit Points: 16 (Normal Average: 11)
Value: 32 gp (Normal: 30 gp)
Asking: 57 gp

Horses Age Categories: (modifiers to be added, not cumulative)
Foal (under 2): -4 Str / Con; -2 Dex / Wis / Cha.
Young Adult (2-4): -1 Str / Dex / Wis / Cha.
Mature (5-20): nothing.
Middle Age (21-30): -1 Str / Dex / Con; +1 Wis / Cha.
Old (31-40): -3 Str / Dex / Con; +2 Wis / Cha.
Venerable (41-50+): -6 Str / Dex / Con; +3 Wis / Cha.

Horse Generator:

Type: Mule
Color: White (gray) .
-Description: This is a mixture mainly white hairs with some black hairs on a black skin.
Age: Young Adult (3 years) (2-4; -1 Str / Dex / Wis / Cha)
Size: 15.1 hands (5′ 0″ at shoulder)
Food Requirements: 24 lbs bulk food/day and concentrated food:
Inactive: 6 lbs/day. Active: 11 lbs/day. Water: 7.5 gallons/day.
Bulk Food: grass/hay, and fresh vegetables/fruits (apples, carrots, turnips). Concentrated Food: grains (oat, barley, corn, bran).

Unusual Characteristics: None
Trick: none.
Temperment: Tempermental (Stubborn – add 2 to required Ride and Handling DC Checks).
Speed: 30 feet per round
Overland Travel: 24 miles per day
Armor Class: 13
Hit Points: 18 (Normal Average: 22)
Value: 6 gp (Normal: 8 gp)
Asking: 6 gp

Horses Age Categories: (modifiers to be added, not cumulative)
Foal (under 2): -4 Str / Con; -2 Dex / Wis / Cha.
Young Adult (2-4): -1 Str / Dex / Wis / Cha.
Mature (5-20): nothing.
Middle Age (21-30): -1 Str / Dex / Con; +1 Wis / Cha.
Old (31-40): -3 Str / Dex / Con; +2 Wis / Cha.
Venerable (41-50+): -6 Str / Dex / Con; +3 Wis / Cha.

Horse Generator:

Type: Donkey
Color: Gray .
-Description: This is a varied mixture of black and white hairs on a black skin.
Age: Mature (19 years) (5-20; no modifiers)
Size: 17.3 hands (5′ 9″ at shoulder)
Food Requirements: 32 lbs bulk food/day and concentrated food:
Inactive: 14 lbs/day. Active: 19 lbs/day. Water: 8.5 gallons/day.
Bulk Food: grass/hay, and fresh vegetables/fruits (apples, carrots, turnips). Concentrated Food: grains (oat, barley, corn, bran).

Unusual Characteristics:
-Poor charisma (-2 Cha).
-Poor strength (-2 Str).
Trick: Come.
Temperment: Even-tempered.
Speed: 30 feet per round
Overland Travel: 24 miles per day
Armor Class: 13
Hit Points: 12 (Normal Average: 11)
Value: 7 gp (Normal: 8 gp)
Asking: 7 gp

Horses Age Categories: (modifiers to be added, not cumulative)
Foal (under 2): -4 Str / Con; -2 Dex / Wis / Cha.
Young Adult (2-4): -1 Str / Dex / Wis / Cha.
Mature (5-20): nothing.
Middle Age (21-30): -1 Str / Dex / Con; +1 Wis / Cha.
Old (31-40): -3 Str / Dex / Con; +2 Wis / Cha.
Venerable (41-50+): -6 Str / Dex / Con; +3 Wis / Cha.

Horse Generator:

Type: WarPony
Color: Chestnut.
-Description: A red-gold color with a number of varying shades.
Age: Young Adult (2 years) (2-4; -1 Str / Dex / Wis / Cha)
Size: 14.1 hands (4′ 8″ at shoulder)
Food Requirements: 20 lbs bulk food/day and concentrated food:
Inactive: 2 lbs/day. Active: 3 lbs/day. Water: 7 gallons/day.
Bulk Food: grass/hay, and fresh vegetables/fruits (apples, carrots, turnips). Concentrated Food: grains (oat, barley, corn, bran).

Unusual Characteristics: None
Trick: not fully trained for combat riding.
Temperment: Single rider only (refuses to be overburdened and won’t take a second passenger, fighting and protesting if this is attempted. It won’t allow itself to be encumbered over a light load).
Speed: 40 feet per round
Overland Travel: 32 miles per day
Armor Class: 13
Hit Points: 16 (Normal Average: 13)
Value: 66 gp (Normal: 100 gp)
Asking: 90 gp

Horses Age Categories: (modifiers to be added, not cumulative)
Foal (under 2): -4 Str / Con; -2 Dex / Wis / Cha.
Young Adult (2-4): -1 Str / Dex / Wis / Cha.
Mature (5-20): nothing.
Middle Age (21-30): -1 Str / Dex / Con; +1 Wis / Cha.
Old (31-40): -3 Str / Dex / Con; +2 Wis / Cha.
Venerable (41-50+): -6 Str / Dex / Con; +3 Wis / Cha.

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