1 – Ancient bag containing:
16 huge hexagonal copper coins (each worth 0.01 gp; Total 0.16 gp)
Total of 16 coins worth 0.16 gp

2 – Old coffer containing:
17 medium-sized round electrum coins (each worth 0.4 gp; Total 6.8 gp)
19 medium-sized triangular silver coins (each worth 0.1 gp; Total 1.9 gp)
21 large rounded square gold coins (each worth 1.5 gp; Total 31.5 gp)
13 medium-sized crescent-shaped silver coins (each worth 0.1 gp; Total 1.3 gp)
Total of 70 coins worth 41.5 gp

3 – Battered bag containing:
9 small round copper coins (each worth 0 gp; Total 0 gp)
19 large round silver coins (each worth 0.15 gp; Total 2.85 gp)
9 small round gold coins (each worth 0.07 gp; Total 0.63 gp)
16 large round electrum coins (each worth 0.6 gp; Total 9.6 gp)
Total of 53 coins worth 13.08 gp

4 – Old coffer containing:
21 tiny round mithril coins (each worth 0.99 gp; Total 20.79 gp)
Total of 21 coins worth 20.79 gp

5 – Worn bag containing:
6 medium-sized wedge-shaped electrum coins (each worth 0.4 gp; Total 2.4 gp)
12 medium-sized round silver coins (each worth 0.1 gp; Total 1.2 gp)
14 huge round adamantium coins (each worth 40 gp; Total 560 gp)
9 medium-sized round iron coins (each worth 0.02 gp; Total 0.18 gp)
Total of 41 coins worth 563.78 gp

6 – Worn sack containing:
26 medium-sized hexagonal iron coins (each worth 0.02 gp; Total 0.52 gp)
Total of 26 coins worth 0.52 gp

7 -Battered pouch containing:
11 large round copper coins (each worth 0.02 gp; Total 0.22 gp)
10 huge hexagonal silver coins (each worth 0.1 gp; Total 1 gp)
12 medium-sized round platinum coins (each worth 10 gp; Total 120 gp)
Total of 33 coins worth 121.22 gp

8 – Old sack containing:
29 huge round electrum coins (each worth 0.8 gp; Total 23.2 gp)
8 large round gold coins (each worth 1.5 gp; Total 12 gp)
9 medium-sized round electrum coins (each worth 0.4 gp; Total 3.6 gp)
32 medium-sized round adamantium coins (each worth 20 gp; Total 640 gp)
Total of 78 coins worth 678.8 gp

9 – Old bag containing:
8 medium-sized round silver coins (each worth 0.1 gp; Total 0.8 gp)
12 large wedge-shaped platinum coins (each worth 10 gp; Total 120 gp)
7 medium-sized hexagonal gold coins with round holes (each worth 1 gp; Total 7 gp)
Total of 27 coins worth 127.8 gp

10 – Decrepit pouch containing:
7 medium-sized round bronze coins (each worth 0.02 gp; Total 0.14 gp)
Total of 7 coins worth 0.14 gp

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