Druids of the Dark Wastes
The main characters must obliterate an enemy in the underworld but have to contend with a veteran while being confronted by squabbling.
They are rewarded with a favour owed

Dwellers of Air
The main characters are hired to infiltrate some guards in some distant ruins but have to contend with an undead creature while being confronted by a red herring.
They are rewarded with training

Jarl of the Kuo-toa City
The main characters must locate a merchant in the sky but have to contend with a creature while being confronted by a battle.
They are rewarded with prestige

In Search Of Nightmare Palm
The main characters must avenge a village in the underworld but have to contend with a nation while being confronted by Gods.
They are rewarded with powers/abilitys

Sunless Caves of Tsojcanth
The main characters owe a favor and must protect an item on a trade route but have to contend with a military individual while being confronted by an interested party.
They are rewarded with prestige

Voyage to the Barrier Peaks
The main characters lose a wager and must meet a child in a secret location but have to contend with a former ally while being confronted by drug problems.
They are rewarded with immunity/privilage

Gold Hall of Freya
The main characters must trap an oracle in a villain’s lair but have to contend with an outlaw while being confronted by an ambush.
They are rewarded with assets

Queen of the Hill Giant Pits
The main characters are hired to discover a ruler at a monster’s lair but have to contend with a warrior while being confronted by theft.
They are rewarded with a magic item

Quest for the Tegel’s Grimoire
The main characters are hired to observe a government in a distant kingdom but have to contend with a stranger while being confronted by the weather.
They are rewarded with contact/allie

Wastes of Igniira
The main characters must fight a sorcerer in the desert but have to contend with a giant while being confronted by barriers.
They are rewarded with powers/abilitys

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