Two things this week for you, the first concludes the Quick Generator month with a name generator for Goblins , the 2nd is with my 40th birthday this week, a 40% off sale seems appropriate as a thank you for all your support over these last few years.

The sale should be/have started by the time you get this email and will be lasting a week until Monday 2nd of May.
After this sale, many, if not all, newer products will be going up in price a small amount, but older products will be staying their current non-sale prices.

Quick gen cover thumb

Quick Generator – Goblin Names

Sometimes you don’t need an insane amount of tables and charts. You may just need something quick and simple to help flesh out basic details without going overboard on the details. This is where the Quick Generator is helpful, providing you with a simple one-sentence description of a particular subject.

This particular Quick Generator helps you to come up with names for Goblins, although they can also be used for orcs as well.

The names you could make with this system range from the simple to the complex. There are 2 d100 tables of name parts that can be combined in many ways, with a collection of pre-made names done already to save you time. With the various formats, there are thousands of possible combinations to fill up the ranks of your goblin tribe

Some examples that can be made with this system –

  • Gerlfrow Igtonk
  • Beercrab
  • Zazcat
  • Scarrot Blodbong
  • Kladug Nazdag

Available at Drivethru now (product link) and and Paizo online stores soon (store links)

Don’t forget Ennead Games has a Patreon running now as well

What’s been going on in the world of RPGs and gaming this week. Covers the latest posts from my favourite other rpg related blogs, comics and more

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