QG SFW Cover thumbQuick Generator – Sci-Fi Weapons

The Quick Generator series is all about making simple generators that, as the name suggests, are quick to use. Typically they are two tables, then when you roll on each on them, combine to give you a quick concept, name or another bit of information you might find handy to have at hand.

This generator outputs a sci-fi based weapon name or concept for you. Some are more suitable for use on star ships, other for worlds that still prefer to use things like swords but have updated them to use modern technology and various levels in between.

Featuring –
2 x d100 tables for the description and property, giving you 10,000 possible results
a system for combing the results in more than one way, increasing the possible combinations

Sample outputs
Rapid Nannite Infused Projector
Resonating Rod
Sonic Wide-angled Revolver

Available now at –

DrivethruRPG & Tabletop Library

Very soon available at – 

d20pfsrd.com and Paizo online stores soon (store links)

What’s been going on in the world of RPGs and gaming this week. Covers the latest posts from my favourite other rpg related blogs and sites.


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