This weeks’ online generator is now live and covers Shields. It is based off details found in Equipment Maker 1 – Shields . It gives you a name/type of sheild, the primary colouration of it, any obvious damage that can be seen on it and if it has a symbol on it.

Shield Details
# Name Colouration Damage Symbol
#1 Radiant Mantlet Shield Purple Obviously used, but well looked after Item – Book
#2 Unholy Bone Rectangular Shield Grey/Gray Blood splatters Terrain symbol – Mountain
#3 Fluid Pearl Shield of the Diseased Vampire Brown Obviously used, but well looked after Weapon – Cannon/Artillery
#4 Oak Repulsive Guard Shield Red Holding straps are loose Diamond
#5 Horned Kite Shield of the Mended Summoner Brown Grimey Animal – Wolf
#6 Alchemists Cobalt Shield of the Curious Primate Brown Small chunk missing Creature – Dragon
#7 Sundered Shield of the Voiceless Primate Materials Natural Colouration Poorly maintained Animal – Raven
#8 Cedar Rectangular Shield Brass Practically falling apart Body Part – Ear
#9 Unyielding Copper Shield of the Stupefied Wizard Other colour Grimey Creature – Dragon
#10 Cromium Heater Shield Blue Obviously used, but well looked after Animal – Wolf

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