R.I.G.S. Sci-Fi Volume 1

The Ennead Games blog has a regular feature on it called R.I.G.S. (Random Item Generation System), in which an item is randomly created each week and the result is published and expanded on.

System generic, these items are designed with a sci-fi or modern setting, although some could, with only a minor amount of tweaking, be used in a horror or fantasy like setting or story.

Inside this volume, you will find…

Biological Glass – A type of glass that can be grown and molded
Corrosive Projector – A motar looking weapon designed to fire corrosive acid projectiles
Generational Crystal – The perfect method of storing lifeforms for long distance space travel
Glarati Organic Interface – A biological way of controlling your technology
Infusion Shower – Cleans and regenerates
Microscopic Drone – A spy drone so small you cant see it unaided
Phasing Grenade – A powerful explosive, capable of going through walls
Programable Hip Flask – A portable way of transporting multiple liquids at once
Singularity Teleporter – Send objects a great distance in an instant
Temporal Communicator – Communicate across time

Available now at –


Very soon available at – 

Open Gaming Store and Paizo online stores soon (store links)

What’s been going on in the world of RPGs and gaming this week. Covers the latest posts from my favourite other rpg related blogs and sites. Do you have exciting news or info you want to share, or a product you want more people to know about? Then contact Ennead Games via the contact form or via social media.


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