Helpful List Arbitrary Collection Expanded Volume 2
The Helpful List Arbitrary Collection is a set of lists with 20 entries per subject matter. The HL ACE series takes that concept and cranks it up a notch by making the lists have 100 entries each.
Much of the content has been created using previous generators that Ennead Games has published, such as the Potion Name and so on. Think of this set as a collection of the result these generators can make, done so you can save time and just get the results, rather than spending time rolling on each of the tables.
As the content here is semi-randomly generated for a mixture of genres, some entries may be more suitable for certain games or stories when compared to others.
Angelic Names
Anime/Manga Titles
Corporation Names
Corporation Slogans
Gang Names
Sci-Fi Firearm
Sci-Fi Materials
Settlement Names (Human-English)
Spell Names/Concepts
Steampunk/Victorian Names
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