This weeks random list is 20 bird types. There are many, many more in the world, but these 20 can help you get started

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[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”left|left”]

D20,Bird Types
1 , Arctic Tern
2 , Cassowary
3 , Cockateel
4 , Dinornis
5 , Eagle
6 , Fledge
7 , Frigatebird
8 , Goose
9 , Hawk
10 , Ibis
11 , Lark
12 , Mockingbird
13 , Nightjar
14 , Osprey
15 , Peacock
16 , Pigeon
17 , Scrub Jay
18 , Vireo
19 , White Dove
20 , Woodpecker



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