Time for another quick update. Not much to say on this part as it been a quite , yet at times, hot and humid, week.



Last weeks PDF – “Helpful List 1K Series – 2 – Antagonists” did ok, wasn’t expecting it to be a big seller, but it sold a few copies so that made me happy.  The next one should be a Quick Gen. Kinda related to this, with Affinity DTP I have found that making the PDFs a lot faster, once I have set up the templates. Word is still being used for writing and so on, but now it’s just a case of inputing the text into the template – assuming I have the PDF template made and it needs only minor changes. This has sped up my workflow by quite a bit. When a new (new being used in context with the DTP not publishing from EH) line is done it does take a bit of tweaking, but over time this in turn will take less and less time as well.


World Anvil

Last weeks WA post was about Divination Magic types .  A feature that has not long been added that i just discovered is the ability to insert tables with a roll feature on them! Granted it can only work on one table at at a time but it means that by clicking on the [Roll the Dice] button, a random option will be picked from the table. A very handy feature and given my love of generators something I applaud.

World Anvil Page can be found HERE.




The GW2 streaming play through has begun. Although i have several characters I am keeping my streaming character to just that, but other characters will be “helping out” and gathering materials and so on. Plus if i get board and want to show off the others classes I can.


Star Trek Adventures

Due to a couple of unexpected work conflicts from a couple of my players, this weeks season two finale has been moved to the opening/start of season three. I had planed it to be around this time, but various real life events and so-on meant that things got delayed . STA:Damocles WILL be back, but probably not until the end of September. It was going to be a two parter spanning two seasons, like Best of Both worlds, but now instead will be a two part season opener.

Keep an eye on twitter with the hashtag #STADamocles for more info and other stuff related to it. There is a side project I am working on related to it, that if I can get done in time will reveal then, but dont wont to say anymore in case I don’t get it done. It not major just one of those “ooh thats nice” things.


Twitch – Main https://www.twitch.tv/mobiustempus





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