This weeks d20 list gives you 20 Sci-Fi material names, generated by using “Quick Generator – SciFi Material Names“, currently rated Electrum on DrivethruRPG.

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[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”left|left”]

D20,Material Name
1 , Adjustable Platinum
2 , Amorphous Epoxy
3 , Anti Vanadium
4 , Atomic Nickle
5 , Bonded Aluminum
6 , Calibrated Polyester
7 , Chrono Bronze
8 , Compressed Matter
9 , Isomorphic Ruthenium
10 , Liquid Silver
11 , Luminous Cobalt
12 , Micro Cable
13 , Modified Carbomorph
14 , Molecular Cadmium
15 , Polarised Brick
16 , Radioactive Rubber
17 , Solidified Fiber
18 , Super Chromium
19 , Temporal Iron
20 , Unreactive Carbon


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