Update Publication Blog Smartphone  - viarami / Pixabay

Not much to go over this week, so lets get right into things.


This weeks PDF got to #4 in Small Press and #5 in “Under $5” – Woo.

This is the first in the new pricing structure I am having to use. $1.99 will be the baseline and prices will now scale from that. Older Items will not increase in prices, just newer ones.

The current PDF I am working on is a Corporation Overview PDF , that gives information on the founding, their portfolio, assets etc.


World Anvil

Last weeks article, The Cartographers Guild was up and the second, smaller part, that covers the organisation structure will be published tomorrow. In the meantime I encourage people to read it as a lot of care and attention was put into it by one of my players.

World Anvil Article Page

World Anvil Easthalen Page


Streaming and Videos

I 100% forgot to take a SS for the ESO stream yesterday, used when I upload to Youtube, so things will be a bit later than normal for those.

Regarding streaming, the second part of the Good Omens Watch Party is tonight and as long as Farscape isn’t removed from Prime again, which I think happened due to issues with subtitles, then next week will be watching that, from season one to the end, with 2 or 3 episodes per week.



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