Update Publication Blog Smartphone  - viarami / Pixabay

Another quick one this week. Not much to say, but trying to keep on top of things.


The last PDF out was “Quick Generator Creature Concepts – Folklore” and got into the top 20 for “Under $5”, which I am quite happy with.

Currently working on a generator for Totaly Random Spells. This can give you details on randomly created spells. These can, and probably will be, unbalanced, overpowered or borderline usless. But thats the point.

World Anvil

The article last week was about something I had brought into Eatshalen, a version of Psionics which was what they people who used it called mind related magic. Essentialy a form of magic that was difficult to teach and had some nasty side effects, but also advantages over the “regular” magic. That and a system called “Spell Fusion” , which took a terrible toll on the user but allowed for an extreme amount of customisation and spell tweaking.

World Anvil Article Page

World Anvil Easthalen Page


Streaming and Vids

Stream Channel Link

  • ESO – Some major tech issue a little while ago meant had to delete a VOD. Another one cropped up this week with after an update for some odd reason, the mic settings had been turned off, so for the first 15-20 mins or so there is no audio from me, but game audio was fine. Was very odd, vid was fine though.
  • With the new expansion out for ESO in a couple of weeks, there is a small chance that the stream on the day , 1st of June, *may* start late or not even happen, dpends on how the update goes. I will do what i can to get things sorted before hand, but if the server borks out, nothing I can do about that apart from switch to another game for the day
  • Expanse Watch Party  – Not much to say about this, it’s an amazing show, the seasons are short (but i think that works in its favour, less filler etc) and the characters/setting are, for want of a better term, belivable. Tonight will be epiosdes 7, 8 & 9 of season one, leaving one more for next week.

Video/VT Channel Link


Goals and To-Do List

Repeating Weekly Goals/Tasks Done?
Uploaded last weeks streams to YT y
Biweekly/Alternating Goals/Tasks
Released a PDF y
World Anvil Article y
World Building Prompt/Questions n/a
Irregular Goals/Tasks
Add a new generator to the gen page/updated old one n
Added PDF to PDF page on site y


The Foundry Project

Despite my best efforts, I think may have to put this project on if not hiatus but “Not sure when it will happen” mode. It feels Like i am not makng any progress with things, but, I understand that is on me. I think, for now, I will continue to learn things and then once Foundry is at version 1.0, then revist the idea. The man reason for this is a new update as the moment is going to break a lot of modules, but, to be fair, it should not be hard to fix them. Downside is only the module authors can do that. So, for now, will not be “offically” working on TFP, but it’s not gone…just paused, as i dont want to get a format sorted only to have to change it again 5 mins later. Not moaning at the devs (i know things like this happen etc), just offering a reason as to my thinking.


Other Stuff

Health wise, things are going reasonably well, even thought the weather here is not able to make up it’s mind.


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