starfish sand sea star sea creature 1851289

This week’s list is 20 concepts for creatures of various types. Trying to find an image to represent this was almost impossible, so just went “sod it” and picked a sea-star instead heh. These concepts can be anything from a literal short description of the creature, to a translated “scientific name”

Disagree with this list? Think something else should have gone on it? Post in the comments section or on the social media platform you saw this article.

[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”center|center”]

D20, Creature concept
1 , Anarchic Gnoll
2 , Awakened Dog
3 , Beautiful Centipede
4 , Corrupted Wererat
5 , Dazzling Hyena
6 , Despair Fungus
7 , Dire Ogre
8 , Disentegrating Chupacabra
9 , Dull Sphinx
10 , Fey Cat
11 , Gigantic Sallamander
12 , Grey Panther
13 , Mature Dragon
14 , Mountain Ghoul
15 , Obsidian Roc
16 , Primitive Pixie
17 , River Hydra
18 , Thorned Naga
19 , Umbral Porcupine
20 , Vampiriic Badger


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