a brown wooden looking shield inside a window like hole on the cover of abook that appears to be made from red/orange dragon like scales

I meant to post this yesterday, but IRL stuff meant I was away from the computer for a large chunk of the day, so instead, I am puttting it out today.

This was the first in what proved to be a popular line “Equipment Maker” – a series that covers various pieces of equipment. Although there had been others before that could be considered to be part of this, such as potions, this started the series “officially.” The format is still being tweaked, but i realised quite early on that a “one size fits all” approach would make things harder for me than they needed to be, but the general vibe and features, such as Quirks, material and so on, have for the most part, been present in each EM volume in some way or another.

Original Date of publication: 12/09/2016

Current Drivethru metal rating: Electrum – Top 10817 products (7%)

Equipment Maker 1 – Shields

Everyone who goes on an adventure uses equipment. Without it, their adventuring days would come to a halt quite quickly.

This generator doesn’t give you the details of any powers or abilities that are named or generated, that part is left up to you. It could simply be a description or the names could have real abilities tied to them.

This edition of Equipment Maker covers shields, from the humble buckler to the impressive tower.

Master Description Table: 10 options here for the format of your shield name/concept, giving thousands of possibilities.
Descriptor: A quick one-word description for the shield name (d100 table)
Material: what type of material is it made from. (d100 table, but with duplications)
Power/Effect – Prefix: First power/effect or property it may have (d100 table)
Power/Effect – Suffix: Second power/effect or property it may have (d100 table)


Optional Details

Some extra information or details you may want for your description, such as :-

Colouration:What colours, if any, can be found on the shield?
Damage/condition: Is it in perfect condition or blood-stained, or worse?
Type: What type of shield is it, a buckler or tower or something else?
Symbol type: Does the shield have a symbol on it? If so what type?

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