hex cluster showing 7 hex tiles together in one place, with white borders and grid/IDs in white text. the image is spread over the 7 tiles and is of an ocean, dark blue waters and lighter waves - Art done by Catarina E.

Something I’ve been working on here and there when I get the chance is what I’m referring to in my head and notes (very much working title) the “Hex Tile Project.” This has been taking up a lot of my time as I’ve been trying to get a pattern/protocol etc done for making these that didn’t take ages to do and would speed up the process and make things easier.


Well, at this point, I now have!

The featured image for this post should show you the result of this – A hex cluster map. I’ve also made it so I can export individual tiles. It could in the future be exapnded to other hex grid sizes, but for now, sticking with the 3-wide/7 hex cluster.


The purpose of this is to have a hex cluster that can be used alongside other information , such as :

  • What is in the cluster – roads, features and so on.
  • Possible encounters
  • Creatures that may be present
  • etc etc

This would be provided by my other generators in the form of Content Packs, so one page would be a cluster, and the next details , with the orginal content provided by my gens then tweaked as needed.


Now however, comes the hardest part. Well, more time consuming really – I need to get the art for the tiles and overlays/features. I have a few on my shortlist but it’s proving fiddly trying to find

  • an art style I’m happy with (both in looks/style  and costs)
  • has a commercial use option (paid or other wise – seriously assets artists…you need to make this clear one way or the other and not have people go hunting for ages trying to find out)
  • has many options/varity of tiles

At the moment it seems like its a “pick two” from the above list, but i’m wokring on it and sure i’ll find something soon! _ I have a few on standby but want a “unified” look as much as possible.

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