Temple on the Depths of the Earth
The main characters are asked by a valet to explore a warrior in a stronghold but have to contend with a mercenary while being confronted by riddles.
They are rewarded with rare/expensive drink

In Search Of Sinister Grimoire
The main characters are asked by a thatcher to get past a magic item at a cave but have to contend with a former ally while being confronted by a construct.
They are rewarded with membership to the Blacksmiths guild

In Search Of Unknown Wastes
The main characters lose a wager to a seer and must kill a wizard in a castle but have to contend with a cult while being confronted by money.
They are rewarded with a magical animal

God of the Harpy Wastes
The main characters blackmailed by a engraver to escape from a magic spell at a fane but have to contend with a villain while being confronted by a trap.
They are rewarded with information – location – spell

Vault of the Silver King
The main characters are hired by a tailor to aid a rogue in a keep but have to contend with a veteran while being confronted by a trap.
They are rewarded with assets

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