Need some names for your Cornish themed (N)Pcs? Roll a d20 and check below to see what you get!

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D20,Male Cornish Names
1 , Alwarton Helro
2 , Arthyen Lanporth
3 , Brenci Bosstan
4 , Brithael Polro
5 , Conmonoc Drustan
6 , Gurcencor Helstan
7 , Gurci pen Godstan
8 , Gurthcid pen Mawsroc
9 , Inisian Demro
10 , Kevern Helmin
11 , Locryn pen Godryn
12 , Maelpatroc Helolphin
13 , Margh Trenporth
14 , Mewan pen Bosro
15 , Peder Trendark
16 , Pendaran pen Godstan
17 , Penn Loslan
18 , Resmen pen Demnen
19 , Terithien pen Tripstan
20 , Ythgans pen Bosolphin

Need more male cornish names? Then “100 Cornish Names – Male edition” is for you.

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