Fantastic Feats
Volume 32 – Dragon Disciple
Adjective – Strange, different; imaginary

Characters in rpgs often have abilities are not tied to their class, race or skill, although they may be related/useful to it. These are called Feats.

They may be combat related, a way to tweak spells or even to do with the crafting of an item. Some will be useful to almost everyone, others only in very certain circumstances.

This edition of “Fantastic Feats” – a series of feats based around a certain theme or subject – is about the prestige class called the dragon Disciple – the arcane magic user that has embraced their dragon based heritage.

The feats inside this issue of Fantastic Feats:

  • Draconic Accent – Mimic the speach patterns of a dragon
  • Draconic Infused Damage – Certain spells become more powerful
  • Draconic Lore – Knowledge is power, espically in combat
  • Draconic Luck – Tap into the luck of the dragons
  • Draconic Resistance – Gain a minor resiatance to certain damage types
  • Power Breath – Breath weapon like effects are more powerful
  • Strong Blood – A general boost to power across the board

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