(Rather than spending ages on a new post just reposting the older one – 13 days left!)
A few years ago my HD on my work machine had a MAJOR failure, I lost a ton of files, programs, settings and more. To raise funds for a replacement, I made a mega bundle of almost all the PDFs I had on sale at the time for, if I remember correctly, $34.99 for almost 400 PDFs. I can remember saying something along the lines of “I won’t be doing this again for a while, not for a couple of years at least”. Well, that time has passed and considering the last few years have been tough for everyone, I felt the time was right to do so again, this time for more positive reasons!
So, I present to you the Ennead Games Mega Bundle 2024!
What’s NOT included?
Over the years, some titles have been removed from sale for multiple reasons. As such they are not included in this bundle.
- Free/PWYW: They are free, no point in adding them to the bundle.
- Some of the Helpfull List Names titles: I am working on updating them and a couple had some really bad errors in them.
- The Dungeon Tiles: I didn’t like how they turned out in retrospect and was not happy with them. They are still available separately, just not for this bundle.
- A few titles that I removed because of major errors/mistakes etc.
- Some were compiled into a revised version, such as the Tavern Kit, Starship Kit etc. Not much point in including what is essentially the same content twice.
Now that’s out the way, onto the fun part.
What IS in the bundle…
Well…it’s a LOT!
Rather than list each title individually, as it is over 400 by my reckoning (I legit kept losing count but think it’s 430), I’ll just cover the major groups.
- Assorted Slang & Terminology
- Babble generators
- Campaign Chunks
- Campaign Related PDFs
- Corporate Collection
- Creature Description Generators
- Dungeon Features
- Empire Builder
- Encounters & Events
- Equipment Maker
- Generators (catch-all group for PDFs that don’t fit into other categories but are still classed in some form as a generator or maker)
- Helpful Lists
- Helpful Lists Arbitrary Collection
- Insult Generators
- Name Lists
- Name Makers
- Name Makers Real World
- Options & Rules
- Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game related (Fantastic Feats, World Wonders, Novus Draco, Spell Options and a few more)
- Quick Generators
- R.I.G.S. Results – Random Item Generation System
- Spell Related Stuff
plus a few misc non-generator items that don’t come under any of the above groups.
There *may* be some duplicated files – I’ve done all I can to double-check but with this many titles somethings bound to slip through
Total Regular Selling Price:$690 +
Bundle Price:$39.99
Savings off Total Selling Price:$650+
Here’s the best bit!
If you have some of the titles already, that price gets reduced even further by a small amount.
This bundle will ONLY be available until
4 pm, GMT/London Time February 25th 2024.
(Going by my clock)
If the bundle has not gone live for you yet, then try again a little while later after clearing cookies, refreshing browsers etc.