The Charter of Algius
A charter is a grant of power to an organization or to an institution, defining the function, rights, obligations or privileges. They have been used throughout history to help broker peace, such as the Magna Carta and are often part of a peace treaty. They were also used in peace times to establish the founding of a city in medieval times and were issued by the appropriate royalties.
The Charter of Algius(CoA) is of the later type,but some would argue it’s more of the first type mentioned. Algius was founded almost 350 years ago at the end of a bloody and ongoing war between two nations. The charter was written on one very large scroll and signed with an ink made from a rare orchid that grew in the area, mixed with the blood of the primary signatories.
Algius was formed as a neutral ground built by the two nations to help foster relations and rebuild the areas. For the most part Algius was a successful project,despite numerous setbacks and attacks from 3rd parties over the years. Today is a bustling city, known for its culture and sports facilities. It has an average crime rate and was rated #97 in a recent “Where would you like to live” poll.
With the 350 anniversary of the founding coming up, the region is gearing up for a big party.
Hooks & Rumours
- The second copy of the charter has emerged and needs to be tested to determine if authentic.
- A second page to the charter is rumored to exists which gives control of the city the other nation of certain circumstances arise.
- The 350 anniversary coming up requires the public exhibition of the original charter. Some have claimed that the one being displayed is only a copy and the original one has become damaged.
- It is believed that the two signatory were closely related and scientists have developed a new techniques which would allow them to examine the blood-signatures to determine if this is true.
- There was no official 300 year celebration for the city. It is believed that one of the sub-clauses bans celebration of the founding on 75,150,300 and 600 years with many theories as to the reasons why.
Inspired by : Magna Carta (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magna_Carta)