[List] – 20 Food Dishes
You got a tavern, or an inn, or some kind of fancy restaurant. What does it serve the characters? 20Read More
Ideas, tools, and generators to help and inspire for your games and story-telling
You got a tavern, or an inn, or some kind of fancy restaurant. What does it serve the characters? 20Read More
“0 potions like drinks – some of them may help you, others makes things much, much worse. The question is…whichRead More
First of a two parter this week – 20 Fantasy Class concepts, with sci-fi/modern version next week Disagree with thisRead More
Traps make dungeons fun* Add some to your dungeon…today! *Fun may be a subjective experience Disagree with this list? ThinkRead More
Todays list covers Magictech, technology from a universe that has magic and figured out how to combine the two. DisagreeRead More