10 book titles (with a few authors as well)
The Codex of Logrid Canyon of Horrors., by Mesutab Shibugra Augusta Williams of Menosira (Fiction) The Firlendish Charges, by ZawadiRead More
Ideas, tools, and generators to help and inspire for your games and story-telling
The Codex of Logrid Canyon of Horrors., by Mesutab Shibugra Augusta Williams of Menosira (Fiction) The Firlendish Charges, by ZawadiRead More
three silver horses on a black field two black fists on a gold field a silver owl and four silverRead More
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Copper Lake. Savage Tongue. Umbral Spitters. Bad Void. Nasty Eye. Furious Club. Rough Tusk. Spiteful Hammer. Gnawing Bone. Carnage Bow.Read More
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