A Chunk of Fantasy Volume 1
When the Ennead Games blog first started, one of the regular features was a weekly post for fantasy or medieval style games and stores. The base format was tweaked over the years, with regular updates and re-launches to keep it fresh.
Presented here are 10 compiled entries from the blog, tidied up, formatted and where needed, expanded.
For flavour, a few of these items are set in Easthalen, the authors own game world, but this can easily be ignored or replaced with something of your own.
Inside this volume you’ll find…
Aerons [Race/Species] – A humanoid species with insect ancestry.
Arcane Archiver [Class/professon] – The protectors and guardians of magical items.
Chain Mail Helmet of the Druid [Armour] – A metal based helmet for druids.
Explorers Guild [Organisation] – A club for all those who like to seek fame and fortune.
FNV Fortunes’ Fury [Vehicle] – This privateer vessel has a little something extra to make it go fast.
Pit of Destruction [Dungeon] – What do you do with an almost immortal being?
Potion of Crystal Intellect [Potion] – A dose of this potion can give you a mental boost.
Starfall [Event] – Where a star was believed to have fallen to earth.
Shocking Door [Trap] – A simple trap sometimes used to entertain.
Wild Steel [Material] – If you partake of the chaotic arts, stay away from this metal.
Available now at –
Very soon available at –
Open Gaming Store and Paizo online stores soon (store links)
What’s been going on in the world of RPGs and gaming this week? Covers the latest posts from my favourite other rpg related blogs and sites. Do you have exciting news or info you want to share, or a product you want more people to know about? Then contact Ennead Games via the contact form or via social media.
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