green/brown looking book cover with caption text "Quick Generator - Alignment and Personality - Combo"

QG – Alignment & Personality [HTML-gen] & [combo]

PDF and html-gen that generates alignments/personalities

Alignment is regarded by some as a moral compass – it directs your beliefs and actions along an often fairly narrow, axis, good vs evil being one such axis, with lawfulness vs chaotic being another. Some others think it is a broad way of looking at a character’s personality.

The results gained may at first glance seem odd, even contradictory, but they can represent “both sides of the same coin”. People are complex organisms and few of them should be just one aspect , such as their their outlook or personality, made manifest.


Now in downloadable HTML-gen and combo-pack fo both the html-gen and PDF


Available now at…

The original PDF document


An interactive HTML-based generator


A combo pack of both the PDF and HTML-gen

DrivethruRPG – PDF DrivethruRPG – HTML DrivethruRPG – Combo
Itch – PDF version

Itch – HTML version

Itch – combo version



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