Colour wheel by Pete Linforth

Colour, or shades, or variants thereof, is an important thing when describing an object or a creature. There is a difference between a red and a gold one that goes beyond the colouration of their scales for example.

This week’s d20 list is twenty colour variations or shades, using a descriptor and a base colour – the differences between some might be very subtle but incredibly important!

  1. Airy Navy blue
  2. Burned Almond
  3. Charred Coffee
  4. Cool Cyan
  5. Dreary Rose
  6. Dusk Maroon
  7. Fresh Ecru
  8. Garden Lime
  9. Glamorous Umber
  10. Loud Lilac
  11. Majestic Vermilion
  12. Mellow Orange
  13. Murky Aquamarine
  14. Ordinary Magenta
  15. Peaceful Pea green
  16. Rich Salmon
  17. Seductive Celadon
  18. Silky Sapphire
  19. Sublime Saffron
  20. Sunset Indigo


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colour-wheel-Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

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