Potion Magic Alchemy Bottle Piston  - Yvion / Pixabay

Often referred to as potions, these mystical drinks come in various types and have many effects, not just thirst-quenching!

  1. Beverage of Misplaced Activation
  2. Brandy of Female Control
  3. Coffee of Ethereal Co-operation
  4. Concoction of Shadow Curing
  5. Draught of Astral Reach
  6. Formula of Electrical Skin
  7. Fruit Wine of Northern Blessing
  8. Juice of Fire Selection
  9. Liquor of Miracle Speech
  10. Malt of Secret Breathing
  11. Medicine of Ranged Illumination
  12. Milk of Incendiary Fog
  13. Mixture of Wrathful Age
  14. Nectar of Energy Intellect
  15. Pulp of Invisible Charisma
  16. Serum of Rhythmic Automaton
  17. Stout of Industrial Reduction
  18. Tea of Emotional Revealing
  19. Water of Sonic Entertainment
  20. Wine of Subterranean Excellence



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