Last week, there was what appeared to be a random post with [EGPrompts] in the title. That was a test for something I was running where a short post is made on Twitter about an RPG or story related hook. For these purposes, I am classing a “hook” as an item, a plot, a location or anything else in one sentence that helps to give you an idea or something to work on and expand. Officially, starting today, I will be posting these to my twitter with the hashtag #EGPrompts. As a bare minimum there will be one per Wednesday, but quite often be more. One thing I am trying to sort is to get it so the IFTTT app posts something to the WordPress blog rather than just [EGPrompts], which looks quite boring, especially if I post several in one day.

There is, generally speaking, not going to be an overall theme or genre for these, but occasionally might have a “themed week” or something similar as the mood takes me.

I am also compiling these into a document for either later publication or for PWYW type of thing.

Please let me know what you think of them, and if you like a certain one, then RT (retweet/share) away!

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