There seems to be an issue with Drivethru/OneBookshelf at the moment, either with them, or something my end that is preventing me from uploading to there. As such todays release will be delayed on there. But it is available at Tabletop Library right now, so go check it out there as i wait for the issue to resolved.

Fantastic Feats Volume 53 – Stat Manipulation

Feats are a stable part of any character or NPC build. They give you ways to alter your powers and abilities, or to twist them in new and interesting ways.

These feats give you a way to manipulate the bonuses your stats give you. But, as with many things, they come with a penalty, as you can only push the body and mind so far…

Common rules for the use of these feats
7 new base feats that can be customised and tweaked each time you take one. You can expand the effect it has, reduces the penalty it gives you or even increase the number of times it can be used per day
Each base feat has its own version tied to a different stat – For example,if you have “Astounding Strength” you don’t get the benefit of “Astounding Dexterity”. One feat has 30 possible variations to choose from.

The base feats you’ll find inside –
(X) & (Y) are replaced with the names of the stats being manipulated by the feat.
Astounding (X) – Re-roll any dice roll related to this stat
Bonus Swap (X) (Y) – Swap the bonus you get from one stat with another
Incredible (X) – Add a second bonus to the one gained from this stat
Infused (X) – Sacrifice a spell to give a stat a boost
Opposing (X) – Use your stat bonus to reduce or negate another beings bonus
Strain (X) – Strain your body and mind for greater effects, but at a price
Transfer Bonus (x) – Use your bonus to aid another

Available now at –

Tabletop Library

Drive-thru availability will be as soon as the issue is sorted

Very soon available at – and Paizo online stores soon (store links)

What’s been going on in the world of RPGs and gaming this week. Covers the latest posts from my favourite other rpg related blogs and sites.


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