Network Points Technology  - AnimoDigital / Pixabay

Magictech is technology from a universe that has magic and figured out how to combine the two. It might power it, enhance it or just be a new way of combing the two. Either way, the result is something normally more potent than it could have been without the other.

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[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”center|center”]

D100,MagiTech Concept
1 , Abjuring Aligner
2 , Acidic Adjustor
3 , Adepts Cell
4 , Aerokinetic Harmonizer
5 , Alchemists Effect
6 , Angelic Buffer
7 , Animated Protector
8 , Animating Carrier
9 , Aquakenetic Thrusters
10 , Aquatic Interface
11 , Arcane Circuit
12 , Ascended Fastener
13 , Astral Injector
14 , Balanced Assembly
15 , Bardic Inhibitor
16 , Bendable Vector
17 , Binding Nutation
18 , Chameleonic Generator
19 , Chaotic Computer
20 , Clerics Resonator
21 , Conjuring Field
22 , Control Reactor
23 , Controlling Relay
24 , Dark Unit
25 , Demonic Cooler
26 , Detonating Fabricator
27 , Disintegrating Sustainer
28 , Divine Transformer
29 , Draconic Extender
30 , Druids Scanner
31 , Dwarven Vent
32 , Elemental Gyroscope
33 , Elven Synthesizer
34 , Enchanting Regulator
35 , Enhanced Stream
36 , Enhancing Resistor
37 , Ethereal Recorder
38 , Evil Aligned Flow
39 , Evoking Shell
40 , Fey-touched Enhancer
41 , Fixed Calibrator
42 , Floating Coil
43 , Frozen Deflector
44 , Fulgurkenetic Projector
45 , Geokenetic Mask
46 , Geometric Reducer
47 , Glowing Core
48 , Gnomish Collar
49 , Good Aligned Inverter
50 , Hallucinatory Balancer
51 , Harmonizing Actuator
52 , Healing Drive
53 , Heated Re-router
54 , Hidden Matrix
55 , Iconic Inducer
56 , Illusionary Platform
57 , Infernal Inductor
58 , Infused Bypass
59 , Invisible Module
60 , Journeymans Capacitor
61 , Lawful Console
62 , Levitating Conduit
63 , Light Network
64 , Magic Dissipater
65 , Masters Emitter
66 , Necromancers Plate
67 , Necromantic Ejector
68 , Neutral Conditioner
69 , Omni Discriminator
70 , Orchish Chamber
71 , Overpowered Diffusor
72 , Phantasmal Disturbance
73 , Polymorphic Dampener
74 , Possessed Coupling
75 , Primal Manifold
76 , Protecting Controller
77 , Psionic/Mental Compensator
78 , Pyrokinetic Infuser
79 , Realistic Differential
80 , Regenerating Crystal
81 , Resistant Manipulator
82 , Rune-infused Display
83 , Shadow Gradient
84 , Shamanistic Configurator
85 , Shielded Gateway
86 , Sorcerers Structure
87 , Summoners Cluster
88 , Summoning Grid
89 , Telekinetic Terminal
90 , Teleporting Enlarger
91 , Temporal Filament
92 , Trans-dimensional Repulsor
93 , Trans-temporal Array
94 , Transmuting Battery
95 , Trollish Isolator
96 , Universal Bay
97 , Unpowered Bus
98 , Unstable Collector
99 , Voiding Device
100 , Wizards Shunt


Get the PDF that was used to make this list HERE



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