Across empires, settlements are places to go, to buy supplies and for many people to call home. But what is the name of this town you just stumbled across? The names here are the sort of ones that might be found when traveling or are a translation from the name used by those who live there into a common language.
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[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”center|center”]
1 , Abbotsbourne
2 , Aldrel
3 , Anberg
4 , Ballinland
5 , Bellaville
6 , Bellfort
7 , Bryn Hagersport
8 , Burham
9 , Carrickbridge
10 , Carrickgard
11 , Castle Kingleigh
12 , Day Royalden
13 , Dragon Springville
14 , East Goldville
15 , East Greeney
16 , East Greyland
17 , East Ironley
18 , East Knightsburg
19 , East Pinkash
20 , East Purpleia
21 , East Purplelake
22 , East Rubyash
23 , East Waymead
24 , Eastridge
25 , Greatmore
26 , Greenbank
27 , Greencrystal
28 , Hagerswell
29 , Harash
30 , High Bluefir
31 , High Pinking
32 , High Rubypoint
33 , High Silverash
34 , High Violetville
35 , Hodgeant
36 , Ilhol
37 , Kill Inveroak
38 , Knightsbluff
39 , Lake Ealpoint
40 , Lake Wickpeak
41 , Low Abbotstoft
42 , Low Blackford
43 , Low Brownstead
44 , Low Emeraldey
45 , Low Goldmouth
46 , Low Goldworth
47 , Low Ironbluff
48 , Low Rubyhill
49 , Low steeloak
50 , Low Whiteing
51 , Lowhazel
52 , Middle Reddean
53 , New Blueoak
54 , New Bluepark
55 , New Denby
56 , New Greenriver
57 , New Purplemore
58 , North bronzeport
59 , North Copperburg
60 , North Ironden
61 , North Redville
62 , North Silverbirch
63 , North Whiteton
64 , North Yellowstock
65 , Northmarsh
66 , Norville
67 , Old Blackpoint
68 , Old Diamondstock
69 , Old Redbridge
70 , Old Rubypine
71 , Oldlake
72 , Penby
73 , Port Hampmore
74 , Portston
75 , Rathdale
76 , Rothcot
77 , Royal Hampham
78 , Rush Normaple
79 , Silverfield
80 , South Blueworthy
81 , South Greenafon
82 , South Ironhill
83 , South Purplespruce
84 , Southmount
85 , Southridge
86 , Southriver
87 , Southtown
88 , Southwell
89 , Starkcheth
90 , Treridge
91 , Upper Abbotsdale
92 , West Coppervale
93 , West Crystalfield
94 , West Goldbridge
95 , West Rubyworth
96 , West Whiteriver
97 , Westlake
98 , Westpoint
99 , White Iron
100 , Yellowcaster
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