Todays list gives you 20 weapon names/concepts for a sci-fi setting. Which one is your favorite?

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[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”left|left”]

D20,Weapon Idea
1 , Bio-Molecular Retro-fitted Nexus
2 , Chaotic Bullet
3 , Chronometric Matrix
4 , Continuous Disintegrating Axe
5 , Custom Torpedo
6 , Draining Gravimetric Barrier
7 , Enhanced Modulator
8 , Exotic Teleporting Net
9 , Laser Howitzer
10 , Maser Ancient Pistol
11 , Necrotic Cube
12 , Neutron Grid
13 , Piercing Experimental Hammer
14 , Polarized Field
15 , Radiant Energy Missile
16 , Refracting Spear
17 , Sub-space Pulse generator
18 , Temporal Powerfist
19 , Tracking Singularity Drone
20 , Twin-Linked Nuclear Vortex


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