Need a quick name for an item or weird technology that has been discovered? This weeks d20 list has that covered. Its contents come from “Quick Generator – SciFi Objects

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[tablelist caption=”” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|100|50″ colalign=”left|left”]

1 , Adaptive Chip
2 , Atomic Network
3 , Compressed Platform
4 , Cryo Collar
5 , Electro Auton
6 , Enhanced Ray
7 , Generational Reactor
8 , Light Calibrator
9 , Long Beam
10 , Modulated Assembly
11 , Nano Output
12 , Nucleonic Mind
13 , Organic Probe
14 , Parametric Oven
15 , Phased Drone
16 , Photonic Compensator
17 , Portable Glider
18 , Secondary Tube
19 , Secured Buffer
20 , Waterproof Cube


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