Typewriter with the word "news" on some paper

The behaviors of both Zuck and the twit over at Xitter, well i could not keep my Meta accounts (FB and Instragram) going and the last couple of days have cemented this and spurred me into action.

As such, as of this moment, the only social media account myself/Ennead Games is active on is Bluesky – I do have a masterdon account but thats not my primary one, more a secondary/backup. For some reason i can’t fathom, the accounts will still be there until Feb 21, but i will not post stuff to there, I hope. There may be some auto-postsers and if those do their things i could reactivate my account, then i’ll fix it and start the process again until it done.

I *may* add more in the future, but, for now, thats the main , if not only, one i’ll be using. If or when i add new socials, it will be either under Ennead Games or my real name (Chris Kentlea).

Ko-Fi/Patreon etc are still active, as I don’t count those as social media.

If you have accounts on those two platforms and can afford to do so, i recommend you delete your account as well, but i throughly understand if you can’t for buisness reasons and so on.



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