1 – This sword (scimitar) is made of steel. The hilt has a fold down half guard and a ribbed grip made of rosewood. A single rune (stag-shaped) is carved into the middle of its spine. The blade has been broken in half. It was crafted by Kyracel, in the Empire of Thyatis.

2 – This sword (rapier) is made of iron. The hilt has two pieces to it, 4 curved rods and a grip wrapped in rust leather and wound with copper wire. . The blade appears brand new. It was crafted by Lanilril, in the Great Cavern (SHA).

3 – This sword (falchion sword) is made of steel. The hilt and pommel are carved to look like the head of an efreeti. Starstones are set as the teeth. A single efreeti has been carved into the blade. The blade appears brand new. It was crafted by Forbrinkon son of Glorkas, in the Pirate Isles.

4 – This sword (long sword) is made of steel. The hilt has two pieces to it, a straight upper guard and a grip wrapped in navy dragonskin and wound with steel wire. The blade is in excellent shape. It was crafted by Dambìn, in the Plain of Fire (Great Waste).

5 – This sword (sabre) is made of steel. The hilt has a woven full basket guard and the grip which is made from wax. A set of strange runes (a jewel thrust through a fang all done as a silhouette) are carved into the blade near the spine . The blade appears brand new. It was crafted by Sauhal, in the Glantri City.

6 – This sword (bastard sword) is made of bronze. The hilt has a woven full basket guard and the grip which is made from unicorn’s essence. The blade is in excellent shape. It was crafted by Fanaela, in the Continent of Brun.

7 – This sword (scimitar) is made of bluish crystal. The hilt has a woven full basket guard, the grip which is made from silver dragon’s essence, and a pommel as the tail of an eagle (the guard is its wings and its head holds the blade in its mouth). A set of strange runes (crossed scimitars over a circle cut into three parts half in shadow) are carved into the blade near the hilt . The blade appears brand new. It was crafted by Gnuruchu, in the Glantri City.

8 – This sword (long sword) is made of steel. The hilt has three pieces to it, a fluted crosspiece with a horse’s head at each end, a square “scent stopper” pommel with 7 black saphires set in it, and a fluted grip made of elm wood. Abstract patterns are carved along the blade. The blade is rusty. It was crafted by Dalidale, in the Slagovitch and Surroundings.

9 – This sword (cutlass) is made of pinkish crystal. The hilt has three pieces to it, a curved upper guard, a agate cabochon, and a grip wrapped in leucrota hide and wound with gold (yellow) wire. A set of strange runes (crossed spear and scimitar over a shield inscribed within a sun) are carved into the blade near the back. The blade is in excellent shape. It was crafted by Baralarog, in the Pirate Isles.

10 – This sword (short sword) is made of steel. The hilt appears to be the head of a wyvern. Spinels are set as the eyes. Interwined wyverns have been carved into the blade. The blade is in excellent shape. It was crafted by Goric Gabzaaramib, in the The Great Waste.

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