light blue square with a christmasy style font in red that read "Christmas in jul". at the bottom is a red banner with "big savings at up to 40% off" with the DrivethruRPG logo

Well 3 days and a little bit (at time of posting this) but i always recommend to folks to try not to leave things to the last minute in these sales because of time zone differences.

As I have over 300 publications out now (i seriously keep losing count when trying to get an accurate count that doesnt factor in bundles and so on), listing them here is not pratocal, so will list a few highlights :

As mentioned, this is but a small sample, not just for myself, but for many other great publishers out there!

Also, if you didn’t know – I also have my first product on DMSGuild!

DMSguild products, along with the HTML gens etc (and some new simple tiles) are in the “I’ll keep doing them, but as and when I can”

Monster Options 1 Dragons

Tweak your creatures (in this case dragons) and maybe surprise your players!

Things to keep an out for in the (near i hope) future!

  • more DmsGuild products
  • more html gens
  • Simple dungeon tiles


So if you haven’t done so already, now is the perfgect chance to stock up on my stuff!

May the dice roll ever in your favour!


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