10x10 dungeon tile, corridors in a £c" shape, grey stone floor, darkey grey walls, dirt/brown background

Just added another 25/100 (free/paid) tiles to my patreon! This was a more tricky one to start with as I wasn’t familiar with how to add curved walls and was at the start doing things in a very fiddly/convoluted way. With luck however, I found a Reddit post telling me exactly what I needed to do which sped the process up quite a bit!

The totals for the tiles so far (free/paid):

  • This collection – 25/100
  • Set 1 – 83/415
  • Set 2 (so far) – 100/500
  • Overall – 183/915

Yes, that is correct – getting close to one thousand tiles! Granted that’s 183 tiles designs in five formats.:

  1. Regular + Grid
  2. Regular – no Grid
  3. Printer Friendly + Background Grid
  4. Printer Friendly + No Background Grid
  5. VTT


The first set is also available to get on DTRPG and itch.io



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