10x10 dungeon tile with 4 "columns" of 3x3 squares with a corner missing from each, making the middle room look like an island

Today, I’ve added 33 new tiles for patrons – Free/public members get the basic printer-friendly set, with paid patrons ($1 a month), getting all five formats:

  1. Regular/Standard with grid
  2. Regular/Standard with no-grid
  3. Printer Friendly with grid
  4. Printer Friendly with no-grid
  5. Universal VTT format

So far, the totals for the Simple dungeon tiles collection are:

  • Set 1 – Free Tiles = 83
  • Set 1 – Paid = 415
  • Set 2 – Free (so far) = 75
  • Set 2 – Paid (so far) = 375

Totals overall

  • Free = 158 (in one format – printer friendly with grid)
  • Paid = 790 (all five formats listed above)

There are 3 more parts planned for set 2 “unusual”, which will bring the collection of tiles from both sets, in all five formats, to over a thousand once done!

  • Circle/Elipse/Curved themed
  • Geometric shapes (triangles, hexagons etc)
  • Weird/Semi-random shapes


Once this set is done, i’ll be moving onto the next planned meta-theme. I’ve got two options to go with, will show previews etc once I deicde which one to go with.

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Join as a paid patreon for $1 a month for full access to the various perks!



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