Creature Description Generator – Volume 9 – Demonic Beings
Demons, like mortal beings, come in all shapes and sizes. Whilst most have a humanoid shape, sometimes with wings, some can be animalistic or even weirder!
This generator, or series of tables, will help you in coming up with a description for your demonic being, covering what they look like, what the demons’ speciality is and even what happens when they are summoned!
This pdf gives you details on the demonic being itself, not the ritual needed to summon them.
If you need a demon name generator and generator to decide on the ritual name and what is needed to summon said demon, then get a copy of “Demonic Names Generator” and “Ritual Details” from Ennead Games.
Inside this volume of CDG you’ll find tables and content that cover…
Power Tier/level
Rules/Taboos (inc an alternate system)
Including other details such as
Base Form
Form Changes
Rules and Taboos (2x d100 tables)
Specialty – Basic (d100 table) and expanded (2 x d100 tables)
Summoning Phenomena (2 x d100) tables
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Open Gaming Store (Spend over $20 on EG products at Open Gaming Store and get A BONUS OGS (non-bundle) product (PDF) ABSOLUTELY FREE!)
Paizo online stores soon (store links)