Empire Builder – Thieves Guild Generator

The Thieves Guild. The name conjures up a myriad of images. From dashing charming rogues to devilish and evil thieves who take what they want, when they want.

Some call them trouble makers, others see them as a valuable if contradictory dangerous, resources.

Whatever their reason for being, wherever you find people gathered together in large towns and cities, you will often find a guild and this publication is here to help give you some starting points to build from.

Inside you’ll find 20 x d20 tables to help flesh out your guild of miscreants, covering…

  • Age (of the guild)
  • Current Goal
  • Fee (% or per month?)
  • Leader
  • Leadership Style
  • Location of HQ
  • Major Event
  • Members
  • Numbers
  • Preferred Crime
  • Primary Rule(s)
  • Security
  • Services
  • Standing
  • Symbol
  • Targets
  • Training/Skill Quality
  • Typical Gear
  • Wealth
  • Weapon of Choice


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A bundle featuring this pdf, Thieves Cant and Guild Name generator is also available HERE

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