Nosferatu Dracula Moon Moonlight  - Pixaline / Pixabay

Back to the regular blog schedule, well, sort of, with a PDF hilight – Creature Description Generator Volume 2 – Vampires. Thus, setting the theme for this week as “Vampires”.

Orginaly published December 28, 2015, thisPDf was the second in the “Creature Description Generator”. It has gone onto receving a Silver rating, which puts it in the top 17020 of products (14.96%). Vampires are a staple of the horror and fantasy genre and can provide a perfect foil or antagonist for a short adventure, or , in some cases, be the main atagonist of the campaign itself!

Creature Description Generator Volume 2 – Vampires


A vampire is a being from folklore who subsists by feeding on the life essence, typically blood, of living creatures. But what do they look like as a member of the undead, what was their life like, how do they feed?

All these aspects and more are covered in this volume of the CDG. The CDG (Creature Description Generator) range is designed with a fantasy setting in mind, but can easily be used for sci-fi or modern/horror settings.

Aspects covered by this Creature Description Generator:-

  • Apparent previous life: What was the vampire in their previous life before they were turned into the undead?
  • Bane/Weakness: What causes the vampire harm or can weaken them so they can finally be killed? Not all vampires are repulsed by holy symbols.
  • Clothing: What is the state of their clothing? Is it in pristine condition? Related to their previous life?
  • Companions: Is the vampire on their own, or do they have followers and others looking after them?
  • Features: This aspect covers their eye colouration, skin and anything normally visible.
  • Feeding: How does the vampire feed once they have caught their prey? What do they feed on?
  • Home base: Where and what does the vampire call home?
  • Hunting: Before they feed a vampire need to catch its prey. How does it do that? Where does it hunt? Does it only hunt at a certain time of the year?
  • Killing Blow: How do you kill off one of these beasts for good?
  • Main goal: What is the main goal of the vampire now that it is undead?
  • Movement: How does the vampire primarily move? Does it glide with an unearthly grace, or appear in the shadows?
  • Powers & Skills: What skills and powers has becoming the undead granted the vampire?
  • Prey: What does the vampire hunt and what do they refuse to hunt?
  • Turned: How long ago was the vampire turned into the undead? What was their sire like?
  • Quirks and Rare Features: What odd personality quirk or rare feature does the vampire possess?
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