Blue looking strand of DNA with the caption Lifeform Maker

With “Creature Description Generator Kaiju” due for release next week, it feels appropriate to highlight “Lifeform Maker” to go alongside it as it will probably be bundled together in some way. As this can be the foundation or a companion for many other products based around creatures, I’m going to start work on making it into the next HTML-GEN this week, but as it’s more complicated and fiddly compared to the others, it’ll take time.

This will also allow me to …

  • make a Content Pack/Helpful List of pre-gens
  • add to content packs for other creatures (like this one)
  • tweak some of the rules, roll formula etc

Original Date of publication: 30-10-2017

Current Drivethru metal rating: Gold , putting it in the top 5936 products (3.88%)

Lifeform Maker

“Our sun is one of 100 billion stars in our galaxy. Our galaxy is one of the billions of galaxies populating the universe. It would be the height of presumption to think that we are the only living things in that enormous immensity.”
Wernher von Braun

This publication covers the generation of the base-forms, what the species look like and their natural abilities and so on. What their societies and technology will be covered in a separate publication, but the two will be designed to work together.

Inside you’ll find…

  • A Quick system for modifying an existing creature
  • A Detailed set of tables for creating a new alien creature or base species
  • Example creations using both methods

There are tables that cover…

  • Size
  • Age/Lifespan
  • Colouration
  • Communication
  • Diet
  • Height/Length
  • Intelligence level
  • Limbs
  • Movement
  • Pain Tolerance
  • Reproduction
  • Senses
  • Shape
  • Sleep/Activity period
  • Skin/Hide
  • Strength
  • Terrain
  • Temperature Tolerance
  • Weight

as well as…

  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Quirks

And if you need some base-lines to work with…

  • Animal – Aquatic
  • Animal – Avian
  • Insect
  • Invertebrate
  • Mammal/Animal
  • Plant/Fungi
  • Reptilian
  • Rock based/types


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