two pocket watches sitting on a table, with a brick background

One thing I always ment to do, but never got around to for various reasons, was to make a Steampunk/Pseudo Victorian Name Maker. I had put a version in this weeks hilighted PDF, but again, never got round to brining it out on it’s own. Well that’s now being corrected and soon (for  a variable defination of “soon”) will be bringing it out, with patrons getting a d100 list and a sample/smaller list on the blog this Friday!

So, in the meantime, have a hilight of another from my “Babble” series (named after the first one, the Technobabble Generator)

Orginal Date of publication: 3rd September 2013

Drivethru metal rating : Electrum


Technobabble Generator

Steampunk Edition

Steampunk, also known as Victorian Science Fiction, is world full of gadgets and gizmos, of steam and clockwork and impressive sounding devices.  This Generator is to help you name such devices and maybe give hints as to what they do.


This generator, or series of charts, is designed to help flesh out any needed details you require. Use all of them or just one, they are entirely optional. There are suggested names for your inventors and examples provided to help speed things up.

Possible combinations include:

  • Parker’s Enhanced Original Unstable Piston
  • Morphic Cerulean Appliance of Princess Lydia Collins
  • Original Revolving Matrix of Prince Alexander T. Hayes III
  • Kinihan’s Energetic Goggles
  • Clarey’s Armoured Experimental Alarm


Available now at…



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