A grey/silver lookin data pad, with two metalic "windows" and text "Technobabble Generator - Expanded"

This , in many ways, whilst it wasnt my first foray into making generators, it was one that helped “put me on the map” as it where. The OG technobable was part of the Starship Kit, so I took that and extended it (hence the name) into this. It’s one I have a fondness for and if any one has ever played a game based on trek among the stars, would be quite useful in certain situations.

It also spawned the various other “Babble” gens I made and from my POV, showed me that whilst the design needed a LOT of work, the content, concepts and ideas was solid, and laid the groundwork for many future projects. Like others, there is always the possibility for this to be re-made and extended/expanded even more, but, when I don’t know…just…soooon*

(*) = Between now and the heat death of the universe.

Orginal Date of publication: 21st October 2013

Current Drivethru metal rating : Electrum


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