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Name Maker – Edwardian Britain

Names for characters from the Edwardian period


The Edwardian period of Great Britain covers a relatively short period of time, from 1901 to 1914, even though King Edward VII reigned only until 1910. It was a period of time transitioning away from the Victorian era, with advances in technology and, unknown to many, the Great War , aka WW1, was on its way with all the horrors and consequences, both good and ill, that would bring.Featuring 400 feminine first names, 300 masculine first names and 500 surnames/family names.

Assuming no middle names chosen, this give you:

  • F – 400 x 500 = 200,000 possible name combinations.
  • M – 300 x 500 = 150,000 possible name combinations.

Example names include:


  • Agnes Allen
  • Bella Burton
  • Celine Breedon


  • Adam Cradduck
  • Bryn Darrington
  • Evan Hopewell


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